He did so with alacrity and started to deepen the kiss, allowing some of the passion he was feeling to leak through. Ianto put his arms around him and Jack felt the very lightest of tugs to come closer. For all Jack knew, he was know kissing someone who was mentally a virgin, although he personally doubted that Ianto could have got to the age he was without any kind of sexual activity at all.
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Plus he'd wiped the two previous major relationships he had had out of his mind. He had no idea what Ianto's sexual history had been since he had come to Aberystwyth, but his reaction last night hadn't exactly been that of someone who had been sleeping around. He kept the kiss light at first, getting Ianto used to his closeness and the way his mouth felt against him. To have a complete second chance with someone was not a gift to be scorned and Jack had made his share of mistakes with Ianto. In a way Jack found that deeply exciting and arousing. What was second nature to Jack would be completely new to Ianto. He'd spent the night in his hotel room reminded himself that this Ianto had no prior knowledge of him, his techniques or habits. Jack had tight control of himself by now. Ianto made no move to escape and very slightly tilted his head forward to come and meet Jack. He reached out to put his hands on Ianto's shoulders and leaned in, watching for any signs of unease or rejection. "Now you'll have to excuse me, but I'm going to succumb to an overwhelming impulse and kiss you, Ianto Jones." Jack smiled and crowded that little bit closer. well, I just wanted you to see me in something better than scruffy jeans and an old jumper," Ianto mumbled. "Uh-huh, so how come you panic when I say the same thing?" Come on, are you telling me you've never had people telling you they like the way you look?" Ianto looked away and shrugged. "Are you sure?" Ianto still didn't look convinced and Jack was annoyed to realise that he was responsible for that. "Funny, huh? That, my friend, was a look of deep appreciation." you're looking at me funny," Ianto mumbled. "Why?" Jack demanded as he went inside and closed the door behind him. "Maybe I should go and change into something else?" "What?" He glanced down at himself and grimaced. Ianto's welcoming smile wavered and then faded before uncertainty took its place. Jack stood there, doing a fair impersonation of a stranded guppy as he tried to get his lust-ambushed brain under control. Not quite a suit, but close enough to evoke old memories. In their place were dark brown cords, black shirt and a dark brown leather jacket. The scruffy jeans and old sweater were gone. He started to say a cheerful good morning when the door opened but the words died on his lips when he got his first good look at Ianto. Jack was back promptly on the dot of ten o'clock the following morning, having suppressed the urge to turn up a couple of hours earlier. Summary: Jack is back, but things are not right at Torchwood Three Disclaimer: Not mine, they belong to the BBC and RTD